Use "eyeball|eyeballed|eyeballing|eyeballs" in a sentence

1. The RETINA is the light-sensing innermost wall of the eyeball.

La RÉTINE est située à l’arrière du globe oculaire et détecte la lumière.

2. An eyeball accessory comprises first and second housing elements pivotably attached to each other.

Un accessoire à rotule comprend un premier et un second élément de boîtier fixés l'un à l'autre de manière pivotante.

3. • The surface layers of the outer part of the eyeball (the cornea and the conjunctiva) absorb UVB rays.

• la membrane externe de l'oil (cornée et conjonctive) absorbe les UVB ;

4. A few years earlier, a gang of electronic music aficionados advertised a concert by the Residents. As it has been since the early 70's, the identity of the "Residents" was not revealed on stage, obviously, and the eyeball masks and quality of the Hamburg musicians made the deception perfect.

Son adhésion au Parti communiste allemand, durant les années érectiles du national-socialisme, lui valut la déportation vers l'un des premiers camps de concentration nazis.